Mesotherapy: How Will It Give Back My Hair?

Best Mesotherapy Treatment In Noida
Mesotherapy Treatment
Mesotherapy is a type of plastic surgery that uses enzymes, vitamins, proteins and plant extracts to promote hormonal growth and improve the appearance of skin and other factors like hair growth. In a procedure, where Mesotherapy is used for hair growth, the scalp is injected with vitamins and proteins that promote hair growth.

The condition of hair loss or baldness is called Alopecia. According to a mesotherapy treatment center in noida, alopecia is mostly experienced in men. As stated by the statistics, around 70% men experience alopecia in their life whereas, in women, this number is only 40% (that too with partial hair loss and not complete baldness).

The doctors that perform the best mesotherapytreatment in noida explain that before the procedure is performed or even before the patient takes the decision to go through the surgery. The doctor will explain the patient that what needs to be expected from the therapy. Also he or she may ask the patient to stop the use of certain medicines for a few weeks until the therapy is completed to avoid scarring or other complications.

Mesotherapy treatment takes place in three to fifteen times depending on the situation. During each session the doctor may apply a medicine to numb the skin on your scalp. The medicine or the combination of medicines is injected 1 to 4 mm inside the scalp again, depending on the situation you are being treated for. Initially, the sessions are kept in every seven to ten days. If the doctor sees the desired results these sessions can be moved to one to twice a month. Every session is closely monitored by the doctors and their team.

Mesotherapy, like any other medical treatment is not free from complications and side effects. The side effects that has been observed after a Mesotherapy treatment are nausea, pain, sensitivity, swelling, itching, redness, bruising, bumps at the injection sites, dark patches of skin, rashes, infection or scars. Most of the above mentions side effects are very rare and the doctors make sure that they take the patient through a complete diagnosis so as to avoid any complications.
Moreover, the Mesotherapy hair loss treatment in noida is performed by highly experienced doctors that make sure that no careless mistakes happen during the surgery and the patient does not get infected.

Mesotherapy is a great solution to gain the lost hair through enzymes and proteins that does not harm the skin and have a long lasting effect. Every person can reacts to the treatment differently, that is why, the patient should consult your doctor and go through the whole procedure before jumping into any therapy. The doctor will clear all the doubts the patient may have and will also tell you about what to expect from the therapy.

Since Mesotherapy uses enzymes, proteins and vitamins to regulate the natural hormonal balance of the body, it is a little slow to show results. He or she needs to be patient and follow the instructions to obtain the best results.


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